Ways to Ensure the Security of Your Network

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By Gravalar

Protect your data and outsmart cybercriminals with our effortless networking guidelines.

It cannot be overstated how crucial cybersecurity is in today’s world. With the rapid adoption of remote work and flexible models by businesses, a massive amount of data is circulating globally every day. Recent studies suggest that an enormous 2.5 quintillion bytes of data are shared globally on a daily basis, and this is expected to grow exponentially in the near future.

As a result of the vast amount of useful business data that is susceptible to security breaches and cyber-attacks, cybercriminals are heavily investing in finding new and inventive ways to infiltrate data systems. Regrettably, these criminals often succeed more often than we anticipate.

Despite the increasing threat posed by cyber-attacks, it is possible to safeguard your system by taking proper precautions, utilising advanced cybersecurity solutions, and learning how to prevent spyware. Here is helpful advice on keeping your network secure.

1. Refrain from Making Public Connections

As someone who is knowledgeable about the topic, you’re likely aware of the risks associated with using a public internet connection. It’s similar to leaving your personal belongings in an unlocked safe before sending them over the Internet. To ensure the safety of your data, it’s important to prioritise private connectivity in order to improve network security.

Although there is no foolproof way of ensuring safety during connectivity, private connectivity can minimise the number of Autonomous System (AS) paths that your data goes through, thereby safeguarding your data. Moreover, if you opt for a dependable private network provider, you can be sure that your network traffic is encrypted from end to end.

Choosing a network provider that is certified with ISO/IEC 27001 and complies with international standards like ISO and IEC can provide assurance. Obtaining this certification indicates that your private network provider implements strict security protocols that ensure the protection of your company on a worldwide level.

2. Implement Your Cloud Infrastructure

When you integrate your cloud services via a trusted service provider, you will not only find it more manageable and cost-effective, but you’ll also gain advantages like a more complete perspective of your applications, allowing you to better identify and address potential risks. Furthermore, by using security features provided by your private network provider, your systems will enjoy improved security and protection, making them less vulnerable to data breaches. Finally, applying uniform security measures across the entirety of your network will further enhance protection, preventing unauthorised access.

3. Boost your SD-WAN with Edge Connectivity

When it comes to network security, time is of the essence. An agile business can detect and respond to cyberattacks much more quickly, making it a crucial factor in ensuring security.

SD-WAN delivers a complete ecosystem for your business rather than just a network. Respected SD-WAN providers offer comprehensive solutions that streamline your distributed WAN, including branches, applications, multi-cloud, and cloud-native security.

Integrating a Network Function Virtualization (NFV) host is a useful way to optimise the usability of your SD-WAN. This service offers a better way to connect the end user to the data centre while keeping the connection secure and private. By minimising the number of internet hops required, you can boost your data privacy and security against potential threats and attacks.

4. Protecting your applications is as important as securing your network

When dealing with cyberattacks, it is crucial to consider the possibility of sensitive data being exposed and essential business applications being disrupted. These concerns require careful attention to ensure that appropriate measures are taken to minimise the associated risks.

In order to manage this risk in the most efficient way, it is of utmost importance to prioritise having dedicated connections and reduce reliance on Internet Service Providers (ISPs).

To improve network security and protect your business data, no matter where it is located, you can use a private global network to safeguard your data. this secure connectivity can be extended throughout your cloud infrastructure and edge locations, providing increased protection for your enterprise data.